#briandemint #jimjimsreinventionrevolution #bitcoinevangelism Brian De Mint is an entrepreneur who’s passionate about spreading the word about Bitcoin. Listen to JJRR 94 as Brian describes how his dream of being an FBI agent shifted to entrepreneurship when he jumped into, of all things, the sun tanning business. Having incorporated new tech and turning traditional tanning into light therapy and wellness, his business is now flourishing, providing time for his new passion of digital finance. His new book, Bitcoin Evangelism, intends to educate and inspire his peers and anyone new to bitcoin. $1000 Bitcoin wallet giveaway included in first edition!
Resources – JimJim’sReinventionRevolution (jimjimsreinventionrevolution.com)
07:16s Why are bitcoiners so annoying? What about bitcoin fundamentals?
11:02s Centralization, decentralization and the Federal Reserve
19:09s Shifted trust vs. trustless, verified trust of algorithms
25:13s Less concentration of rich and powerful
27:37s Bitcoin Evangelism – the book
34:50s Internet nerds of 1995
38:06s Pivoting from FBI Agent to entrepreneur
41:28s Long term time horizons
46:55s Leadership and creating incentive structures with entrepreneurship
51:00s Leaning into technology and wellness benefits of light therapy
55:18s Learning to be open and transparent as a benefit in business
“The way my mind works, and it’s served me well through Bitcoin and business, I’ve always had long term time horizons.”
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