#raspberryshake #seismology #citizenscience # jimjimsreinventionrevolution
Branden Christensen is a scientist, community builder and spiritual searcher who’s decentralizing seismology and enabling citizen scientists, hobbyists and professionals around the world. Listen to JJRR 121 as Branden shares how a kid from NYC dropped into Ecuador, fell in love with the latino lifestyle, and dove into entrepreneurship. Passing on traditional corporate opportunities, Branden, now CEO of Raspberry Shake, is bringing the joy of science and technology to all seismology enthusiasts: offering low cost seismographs built on the Raspberry PI computer platform.
jimjim99 | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
05:30s Branden, dialing in live from Costa Rica
06:08s Raspberry Shake, a decentralized seismology network
10:14s Geophone, a seismic sensor
11:50s How to know that you’re sensing earthquakes and not other motion
16:20s Raspberry Pi – a low cost computer / sensing development platform for students and hobbyists
18:12s Integrating Rasberry Pi into real industrial / production applications
21:25s Citizen Science unleashed and decentralized through Raspberry Shake
27:57s The Raspberry Shake business model: Hobbyists, Professionals and Students
31:54s Creating granularity and opening new markets / science communities
34:02s Dropping into Ecuador for a research conference while at University
39:33s Finding a business opportunity in Panama vs the Corporate World
43:02s Not motived by money early in career, valuing freedom
45:58s The only thing you can depend on in life is change: taking the spiritual path
48:21s Moving from struggle mindset to abundance mindset, opening up to mystery
51:44s Fear vs Curiosity
53:26s Full realization that belief that you’re the best is BS!
57:26s Urgency is with AI – not from fear but from curiosity and opportunity
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